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Dwarf Siblings Reunite

21 11:04:38

A few months ago, I was given 3 adorable baby Russian Dwarf hamsters.  The person who game them to me was a pet store employee and believed that ALL THREE WERE MALES. The little "guys" lived together in a three tiered cage that gave them ample room and plenty of rooms for extra water bottles and wheels etc.

I never though to recheck for their gender as they got older and bigger. Silly me.  Two weeks ago, I was surprised to find that one of the hamsters appeared to have made a nest like area in a new location and had babies!

I removed the male and put it in a new cage immediately. I also removed the other hamster (another female!) into a third cage.  The babies are doing well (so cute); and, I am getting homes lined up for them.

However, I am wondering if I can reunite the female/sister hamster back into the original cage once the babies leave the nest? She actually seems lonely and less active since she has moved out of her original home. As I said, all three lived happily together before the babies.   It would also be nice to have two cages instead of three.

Thank you for any wisdom that you can contribute!

Hi Jennifer

Thanks for your question.  It is very difficult introducing hamsters - they won't remember that they are related. The only way you might be able to do this to swap them from one cage to the other so that they smell each others scent.  After a week of doing this put them in neutral territory - the bath is good but remember to put the plug in. Put some mixed bedding in with both scents and some food. Watch them all the time then if they are ok (after about 30 minutes) and not bothered by each other try them in a cage you might be best putting them in the male's cage (without him obviously) so that again it is neutral territory. If there is any sign of aggression then they need separating. If they fight you will never be able to stop them.  Only try this when the babies are about 4 weeks - at that time the males need  splitting off anyway.

It is impossible to know if this will work but it is worth a try. If there are any female babies they can remain with mum if you want them to providing they don't fight.

Good luck!