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the cold

21 11:56:47

i have two hamsters. it has been getting very cold at night. don't think my hamsters are being very active. everywhere i try to put them that is warmer there is someone sleeping. Is there some kind of heater or heat lamp i can buy? or another method of keeping the cage warm?

hiya, although hamsters originally come from hotter climbs than ours they adapt quite well to cooler temperatures, I'm guessing you dont live in the arctic circle?? hamsters have been known to fall into a bit of a comatose state if very cold but this is quite extreme and I've only ever seen it happen once. as long as they are not in a draught and they have plenty of bedding they should be fine. the only problem with something like a heat lamp is if the hamster overheats and to be honest I've never known of a need to use one. give them extra bedding and keep them out of draughts and they should be fine, they get less active as they get older too, could that be a factor?? oh and dont be tempted to put a blanket or towel over the cage as by morning there will be nothing left but a snuggly hamster surrounded by shredded material!!!!!! hope this is of help, jen