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siberian dwaf hamster, bleeding genitals

21 13:26:26

How do I know if I have a female or a male? and how do I know when they are ready to mate? I may just get rid of the new hamster I don't have another cage to it in and I can't have it hurting nippy.

Followup To

Question -
I have 2 siberrian dwarf hamsters. I think one is male and the other female, but I am unsure. I went to clean thier cage today and I found bloody beding. I picked up both my hamsters and looked them over for possible injuries due to fighting.I picked up the one that I suspect is female and found blood on her in her private area. Does this mean she's ready to mate or could this be an injury and should I be worried?

Answer -
Hello, dwarf hamsters don't have periods like humans. What probably happaned is that she got into a fight with the other hamster and he bit her down there. I would personally seperate both hamsters permenantly and use antibacterial spray for animals on her wounds for a few days. :-) She will probably hate it but it's the best thing to do for her. Keep me posted on how things go. :-)

The best way to tell is to pick them up and look at their bottoms. The male will generally have his penis farther apart from the anus than the female. It will look as if the female only has one opening. Plus generally the males scrotum sack should be visable when they are older. Here is a good website that has pictures on what to look for as it is easier to have a picture.