Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My dwarf hamster bites me and scratches me and ive had him for almost 2 months!

My dwarf hamster bites me and scratches me and ive had him for almost 2 months!

21 11:33:53

i have had bear hamsters and syrian hamsters and now i have dwarf hamster and they keep biting me all the time. i have tryed gloves and everything else. Nothing Works! With my old hamsters i could pick them up 3 days after i got them. Please tell me how to have them stop bitting so i can pet and pick them up.

Dear Alec,
thank you for your question.
Some dwarf hamsters are very aggressive inside their cage. Offer treats for them at the same time and place every night so that they get used to you and learn that it's a good thing when you open the cage and out your hand in. Offer the treats on your palm so that they have to climb on your hand to get them. Once they are used to sitting ojn your hand, move the hand around inside the cage and if they don't jump off, try taking them out. Some hamsters also learn to climb into a bowl or toilet paper roll to be taken out of their cage.

Sometimes the aggressiveness is caused by a too small cage. For dwarf hamster, the minimum cage size is 30x15x15" long, wide and high in my opinion, bigger is of course even better.

If you keep the dwarfs together, keep an eye on them, many will start to fight when they are fully mature and those fights get serious very soon. A lot of squeaking at night is a sign of a fight, even when the hamsters are sleeping in the same nest the other morning.
I hope I was of some help to you