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Hello again! Is it really...

21 13:31:30

Hello again!
Is it really terrible to have a father and daughter mate because  my brother accsedently put the the 2 hamsters together not knowing it. so do they always come out sick? Also how do u know if a hamster is pregnat? becuase she has bumps in her stomach and is really fat and she's starting to get really wild and she's eating alot. Well thanks for your help!   bye!  from Alexa

Hi Alexa,

There is a chance that the hamsters will not be well.  However, this does not always happen, so if your hamster is indeed pregnant, her offspring may be healthy.  If your hamster is not pregnant, then that's great.  If she is, just watch her and her offspring carefully.  Continue to keep her in a cage by herself.  To tell if your hamster is pregnant: She will start to hoard food and make a large nest in her cage.  She will also start to eat more (or if she doesn't eat more, then she will take the extra food and store it).  There are more signs at a website I will give you. If you find out that she's pregnant, here's a good website you can go to to help care for her and her potential offspring:

I suggest you read all of the information on that page and read the information from the links at the top.  It's very informative, and it will tell you everything you need to know in a few pages.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
