Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is my daughters hamster sick?

Is my daughters hamster sick?

21 11:52:50

I was curious I bought a hamster for my daughter approximately 3 weeks ago and there seems at times that there is swelling like several swollen bumps on each side of the throat that make her look like she is just fat? Is this normal and what is it this happens on and off since I have gotten them maybe 2-3 times. If not I will take them back to the pet store where I got them and see what they say if not to the vet. What do you think this is or what should I do? Is this normal swelling aroung the neck? Thank you.

hi angel,

Your new hamster is absolutely fine. The lumps you see, is acctually food. Hamsters have pouches on the inside of their cheeks to store large ammounts of food in, to take back to the nest and hoard away. Feed your hamster and watch to see her stuffing it in (whole, btw) to the puches inside her cheeks. To empty these pouches, she simply gets her front paws, and pushes it out, away from her.

Thank you very much for your question, and if it seems to be a medical problem which i very much doubt, see a vet or as you say, take her back to the pet store. if theres anything else, please just ask.

joanne :)