Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > babies!


21 11:52:44

my gerbil just had babys!(4 but 1 died)and i have to say the are NOT TAME! and i thought i was getting all girls but there is a boy in the bunch and i dont know how to pick wich one is the dad because i have 3gerbils to start with!so if there is anything u can tell me then.......and if there is any place u know where i can see some pic.s and find out more stuff! b/c i need heLP!

Hello, there is really no way to tell the father unless you pay for DNA testing which is expensive. If your female gerbil isn't already seperated from the older male gerbils please do so now as she can get pregnant within a few hours of mating. Here is a good website about gerbil information and the family gives information about other sites to go to.