Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > can i?

can i?

21 11:42:41

QUESTION: i have two hampsters that just had litters of babys.they are now old enough to be on their own. can i put the two ex-moms together now?

ANSWER: This answer might be coming too late as you may have already done this.  If these hamsters are Syrians - the answer is a definite NO.  They must all live in their own cages otherwise they will fight and can seriously injure each other.

If they are Russian/Dwarf - it is difficult introducing adults to each other if they have been separated for any reason.  


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QUESTION: well you see i have already put them together and they fought at first but now there fine wait should i do?
ANSWER: Are they Syrians?  If so, they shouldn't be together - they will eventualy fight and either seriously hurt each other or one will get killed.  I've never heard of two Syrians being able to live together for any length of time once they've reached adulthood.  Of course, this might be that one occasion when everything is OK, but I doubt if this will have a happy ending.  They are solitary animals and need their own space.

If they are Chinese, Robos, Campbells or Winter Whites then they can stay together providing they don't fight.


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QUESTION: there sisters and they have only faught once and i dnt think i should seperate them couse they act real gloom when they are al;one

Glad to hear they're not fighting at the moment - but if they are Syrian hamsters they MUST be separated. Adulst Syrian hamsters (over 6 weeks old) live alone, they can not tolerate another hamster in their terriroty.  If they are Russians/Chinese then that is OK for them to live together as in the wild they live in colonies.