Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Serian Hamster

Serian Hamster

21 11:57:11


Why does my hamster put his food in his wheel.  He ends up making a lot of noise at night because he uses with wheel with all the food in it and we can't sleep.  I end up taking out his food until morning.  I have the Princess cage with a lookout tower, spinning loop connector, and other tube device attached to it.


Hi Cindy,

Hamsters frequently hoard food in odd places.  My dwarf hamster did the same thing your hamster is doing - hoarding food in his wheel.  Every time your hamsters puts his food in the wheel, move it to a different location.  (Make sure it's the same location, though, so it will become a habit.) Eventually, your hamster will learn, and he'll stop putting his food in the wheel.

If you have any other questiosn, please feel free to ask :)
