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Dwarf Hamster eye problem

21 11:30:26

I have a year old dwarf hamster. Lately, one of his eyes seems to be discharging a little bit of clear/opaque fluid in the corner. It is half closed and seems sensitive to light. Half the time, the eye seems fine and then the other half, I notice these symtoms. It is not swollen and he still eats, plays and drinks normally. I am not sure what the problem is and am wondering what I should do. His nails are getting too long so is it possible he could have scratched it? Should I visit a vet?

Hi Katie

Hamsters often get eye problems.  Often it is nothing more than 'sticky eyes' whereby the eyelids get stuck together and they have to be gently washed in order to open them.  however, they can also get conjunctivitis - this can be painful/uncomfortable for them and they can scratch their eye to try and relief the pain/itching.

This can be brought on by bacterial infection, irritants - such as bedding (some hamsters have an allergy to bedding etc.) or accidentally scratching the eye.  It can also signify that something else is going on with the hamster.

In view of the fact that you think that your hamster is sensitive to light, I would advise you get him checked out.  It is good that, apart from this, he is behaving normally, but he may well need some form of antibacterial eye drop.  Your vet will also be able to advise you on clipping his nails.  Sometimes these can grow long and need the occasional trim - it is important to do this as they have a habit of curling up and can dig into their feet. It is important not to cut them too short or you will make them bleed.

Good luck with this - hope you get on OK.
