Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbil pregnansy lenght

gerbil pregnansy lenght

21 13:27:41

How long will the normal gerbil be pregnant for. Would the hampster tips work with the gerbils too.

Hi Kaily,

A gerbil will be pregnant for 23-25 days.  (Sometimes they're pregnant as long as 30 days.)  

Some of the same guidelines for hamsters apply to gerbils as well.  For example, clean the cage a few days before the gerbil is due to give birth.  Give your gerbil plenty of Aspen or Carefresh bedding to make a large nest.  (Avoid Pine or Cedar, which are dangerous.  Also avoid Bed Fluff.)  One to two days before the birth, remove the wheel.  If there are tubes extending from the main part of the cage, block access to them.  You want the gerbils to have a large, open area, but you don't want them getting into tubes or on the wheel.  Also, position the water bottle low enough so that the babies can reach it.

Leave the father gerbil in with the mother throughout this whole process.  The father will help take care of the babies.  

When the babies are born, be sure not to touch them, the mother, or the father for about 2 weeks.  When the pups are at least 2 weeks old, then you can begin handling them for short periods of time.  

There's a lot of other information that you should know.  It would take a little while for me to type all of it, so I'll send you to a webpage with complete, detailed information:

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
