Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Help with my new syrian hamster please.

Help with my new syrian hamster please.

21 11:13:47

Thank you for the quick response, I appreciate it! She is going up and down her tubes now quick good, thankfully. I brought her out and cuddled for a few minutes, let her have a run around! She didn't drink the water herself, but she latched on for a few seconds and I squired a few drops into her mouth. Do they only drink small amounts, she only had a few drops, will that do her?
I just feel really protective, because I recently lost an animal due to a horrific accident. Wet-tail was something I was streesing about, shes the right breed, some symptoms, and the right age. But her poops are quite dark, and she is eating ok and excersicing fine normally. She's just quite tired. I'm going to take her to the vet in the next few days hopefully!
Does all sound okay?
Thanks once again!

Yes she sounds perfectly healthy and normal, a vet check seems unneeded. Wet tail will present itself with a wet bottom, not always poop covered but that's a big sign. If her underside is dry and her poop is solid there's no issue regarding wet tail. Some hamsters wait all day and take a few big drinks, others do a few drops every so often, there's no right or wrong way to drink unless there is frequent, large drinks.