Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > How to set up a hamster cage?

How to set up a hamster cage?

21 13:25:34

Hi Kelly its me again. When I come back from picking up my hamster from the pet store, where do i put the hamster when im setting up its cage? And also i have looked on various hamster wbsites but none of them tell me how to set up a hamster cage like what to put on the bottom of the cage etc. So i thougth i should ask you.
         thankyou (sorry for asking 2 questions)
             from Ali x :)

Hi Ali,

You should have the cage ready for your hamster before you go get him from a pet store.  Make sure you have a solid wheel (avoid wheels with rungs), a water bottle filled with fresh water, and a good-quality hamster mix.  (Hartz Bonanza is good.)  Also, give your hamster a little house for a nesting area.  Of course, you can give him toys, as well.

Fill the cage with plenty of Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  (Avoid Pine and Cedar, which cause respiratory infections.  Also avoid Bed Fluff.)  When you bring the hamster home, don't take him out of his little box.  Instead, place the box on the floor of the cage.  (Turn it gently to the side so the hamster can crawl out when he wants.)  Try not to touch the hamster for 48 hours.  This 2-day period will let your hamster become used to his new home, and it will reduce stress for him.  When the 2 days are up, then you can begin handling him gently.  Place a treat (such as a plain Cheerio) in the palm of your hand, and place your hand on the bottom of the cage.  Wait for the hamster to approach your hand, then gently scoop him up with both hands.  Sit down on the floor while you're handling him.  He'll be nervous, and he might try to jump from your hand; therefore, if you're sitting down, he won't have far to fall if he jumps.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
