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my hamsters are going crazy

21 11:42:49

 hi I have two teddy bear hamsters I think there both girl but i dont know but when we go them them they fought but now i just let them be in front of each other and the both froze up and the both were shaking but one of them sniffed the other and after I put them in there own cages the tried to get out and were going crazy so every time they see each other they go wild I just want to know what is the matter with them. Bye  I hope you have a answer for me.

It sounds like when you put them together the other hamster is seen as a threat. Do you keep the cages side by side? Sometimes the scent of the other hamster can drive them wild. If you try seperating them from where they can't see them, maybe they will calm down. Hamsters also act crazy whemn the cage is too small as well.