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sick hamster

21 11:05:26

hi could you help me please my Syrian hamster is around 7 months old hes always been over active and very playfull but yesterday i went just check her and change her water and bedding to relise she was lay funny when i picked her up she couldn't walk properly after i put her down she shuffled over to the corner of her cage and hasn't moved since, i thought she might just be tired so i left her i checked her again this morning and still no change she hasn't moved from the corner drank or even touched her food and seems to be breathing funny and making notices, also i noticed one of her eyes as closed over and she has red around both eyes im very worried as i don't no if she dying or just sick please help me .. i picked her up and shes become very limp

Hi Linzi

Thanks for your question- I'm sorry to hear about your hamster, she does sound very sick right now.  I would strongly advise that you get her to a vet as soon as you can.

It is hard to know what is wrong, however, the sticky eyes with red around them indicates that she is very ill.  Hamsters have glands that secrete a reddish fluid that keeps their eyes moist, and if they over produce this then it means that there is a medical problem.

Is there any way she has fallen and hurt herself?  Is there any sign of blood or pus coming from her rear?  whereabouts is her cage?  is it in a dry, warm part of the house?  Hamsters can suffer breathing difficulties if the cage is in a damp area of the house, or if their bedding gets damp (some of the tubular cages tend to attract condensation) and fungal spores grow on this and if breathed in can cause serious respiratory problems.

Without seeing her it is impossible to know what has caused this sudden change in her, and therefore she needs someone who can examine her properly in order to diagnose the problem and recommend the treatment.

If you don't know of any vets, it is worth phoning a few to see if they have a small animal specialist there as it is far better to pay to see someone who has hamster experience, rather than one who doesn't if possible.  Also, check their fees - they usually charge a much reduced fee for a hamster, but it is worth confirming this before you go.

i hope you get on OK.
