Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Smelly Hamster

Smelly Hamster

21 11:52:38

Hi Kelly
I have an 8 month old Tan and White, female,short haired syrian hamster who, from time to time really stinks!  I also have 2 other long haired golden hamsters who really never stink....... they are all approximately the same age. . . can you tell me what the smell might be?  it's really strong....

Hi Debby,

Most likely the smell is a result of your hamster being in heat, which happens every 4 days.  She will produce a "musky" smell that is completely normal and nothing to worry about.  She may also have some whitish discharge.

Male hamsters don't come into heat the way females do, so they don't produce that kind of smell.

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
