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Hamster may be sick??

21 11:11:32

For the past week or so, my hamster has gotten really fat for some reason.  I checked on him today and he seemed really tired and didn't want to move. He didn't open his eyes and started trembling and squeaking when i tried to pick him up.  Does he possibly have a tumor?

Hi Ivor

You haven't said how old your hamster is.  The way you describe him however makes me feel he is quite elderly (around 2 years old??)  In which case this could well be a tumor as they are very common in hamsters.  Often they grow undetected for a long time - the only sign sometimes is if they start to drink more water.  However as the tumor grows it can put pressure on organs or make it difficult for the hamster to walk.  They can also appear as though they have put weight on but in actual fact it is just the tumor that is growing. With abdominal tumors often they go a 'pear shape'.

Another thing that can cause a hamster to suddenly get large is perhaps kidney problems - he would definitely be drinking a lot more than usual.

Do you have a vet that you could get him to?  They should be able to determine if a tumor is the cause of his behaviour and if so advise you accordingly.  If it is a tumor then they may advise euthanasia, I'm afraid.  If it isn't and this is a kidney problem or some other condition then they may be able to treat it or at least give him pain relief so that he doesn't suffer.

I hope you get on OK.
