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Help my gerbil stinks

21 11:37:54

We are cleaning our cage once a week, but when I picked him up to hold him today I noticed he smelled! What can I do if I can't give him a bath?

Thanks for getting back to me. I would recommend a bigger cage, maybe a 20 g tank because in normal cages you cannot give them as much bedding as they like. I'm fairly sure that the smell will get less, even if you clean the cage less often. Mix small sticks (hazel, oak, beech, birch, willow, poplar, apple, pear) and hay into the bedding and he will be able to build tunnels and caves.
You didn't say what he smelled like, though. Is it possible that he has diarrhea? That would require the immediate attention of a vet since it kills rodent very fast.
I hope I was of some help to you