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Is my hamster ill?

21 11:34:03

My hamster is almost 2 years old and until now, the only sound she has made is a sort of chirping - usually when she is annoyed about something.
She has started making a different noise, both in her sleep and when awake which is difficult to describe - a sort of moaning. She is still eating and drinking ok but doesn't seem so alert and her breathing looks a bit irregular sometimes.
If there is no improvement, I will take her to the vet but I just wondered if you had any experience of this behaviour?

Hi Alison

I think it is wise to get her checked out if this continues or gets worse.  I have hamsters who suddenly become vocal for no real reason. A number of them snore as well and make the strangest noises.  The sure sign that something is wrong is if they stop eating/drinking, or start to look dull and become quiet and hunched.  She will naturally start sleeping more and being less active due to her age, but you can often detect any sudden change in behavior.  Due to her age it could just be an old age ailment for her, but if it gets worse or you are worried about her then it would be wise to get a professional opinion.
