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21 13:28:24

I just got 2 dwarf hamsters today. I got a male and a female and I want to breed them, and I can't tell them apart. One keeps chasing the other around th cage and tackles it. Then lays on top of it while the other one is on it's back. I dont have another container to seperate them and I want to breed them. What should I do, and what are they doing?

Hi Jackie,

If you have a male and female dwraf hamster together they will breed on their own. It takes 18-21 days for a dwarf hamster to have babies. When your female starts to look fat you can expect the babies in 2-7 days. Make sure to feed her high protein foods like cheese and hard boiled egg, but don't over feed. Your hamster should be at least 3-4 months old before breeding them.

Thank you for your question and best of luck!