Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > squeaking while sleeping

squeaking while sleeping

21 11:38:15

QUESTION: Hi there,

My hamster started squeaking/sneezing (it sound more like a sneezing
sound) when she sleeps about a couple of weeks ago (she was around 10
weeks old then).  I didn't really pay any close attention to it or anything as she
still seems healthy, but lately she's been doing more often.  Should I be

ANSWER: Hi Marie

Some hamsters are very vocal, especially when they sleep.  It is almost as though some talk in their sleep or snore.  This is quite normal.  However, you need to check that this noise is purely that and not some breathing problem.  I would suggest that you monitor the situation and make a note of any times it happens, in particular when your hamster is awake.  Is she wheezing or struggling to breath?  Also, are their any air fresheners, pot pourri near her cage?  Hamsters cannot be near any strong smells as this can sometimes cause an allergic reaction - much the same as hay fever in humans.  Therefore, if there is anything like this near her cage, then it needs to be removed.  Also, have you changed her wood chippings?  Some wood chippings have  strong odor which again can cause problems - you should only buy wood chippings that are specifically designed for small animals.

Apart from this, is she behaving normally?  Is she eating/drinking/exercising the same as before?  Does she sit hunched up not wanting attention at all, or is she her usual self?

I think you should monitor the situation over the next week or two and see what happens, however, if she develops any other symptoms that cause concern then she should go to a vet to be checked out.

Hope this helps you.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sheila,

Thanks for the helpful answer.  No to all questions - I'm using carefresh
bedding, there are no powerful odours near her cage nor in my room, for that
matter, and she's behaving normally.  One thing I noticed though,  she didn't
use to poo and pee on me but lately she's been doing that...

I thought maybe she just got more comfortable with me?  Or does this have
something to do with her system?

Hi Marie

Occasionally hamsters do pee and poo when they are out of their cage.  More often than not mine do this when they are in their exercise balls.  I wouldn't worry about it, but if it becomes really frequent (mainly with regard to her peeing) check how much water she is drinking.  Now and again hamsters develop diabetes (most common in Campbells, but rare in other varieties) and this can make them pee all over the place.  If she just does it once when she comes out, then I wouldn't worry about it.

It sounds as though she's just got one or two slightly quirky habits, rather than being ill.

If anything changes, do let me know as it might mean something else is going on, otherwise this should all settle down at some stage.
