Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > play


21 13:32:48

i have a chines hamster and a sybearn hamster  they like each other and i let them play to geather once a week is this ok

Hello Emma

The sybearn hamster normaly likes to be alone, is this hasmster a normal sized hamster? if it is then they like to be alone. The Chines hamsters can be kept with other chines hamsters I think but I am not sure, hamsters dont "play" with other hamsters all they do is bite other hamsters or paw at them before they fight, I wouldnt let them be near each other because of there size difference and the fact that hamsters dont really like each other even the dwarf ones. But if you are near them at all times and they are just running away from each other and playing with the thing you've given them then they should be ok for a little while.

Hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask.