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serian hamster (Female)

21 13:32:29

umm well my hamster is a girl right but some kind of purple sack kind of thing was stickin out of her behind like she was a male hamster. So i was just puzzled. i dont know if i have a boy or girl hamster. But now it went back into her female sack so now she looks normal. i just want you to tell me what the hell that sack thingy was.Again i tell you my hamster is a serian hamster.

heey, be honest i can't tell you what the 'hell that sac thingy was' hehe. but i can make a suggestion or two!
 If your hamster is male, his body shape will be different from females, males have a prominant bulge at the back, whereas females come to point, it could be that the sac was his testicals. if you need a picture of what i am explaining go to which is my site.
 Male testicals are usually hidden up inside when its cold, but when hes relaxed and warm they come down.
 check out the picture on my site, if you're still stuck, send me another question.
 hope this helps :)

suzi x