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hamster - does old age onset quickly?

21 13:30:19

We just inherited this hamster three weeks ago.  She seemed very active and happy.  We were told she was two, but I don't think anyone really knew.  Two days ago, she slept all day/night and was hard to wake up. I woke her up late last night, she seemed to be blind and could not walk very well.  However, she did seem very hungry and thirsty.  Is she sick, or is this just how fast hamsters age?

Hi Valerie,

Well, the average hamster lives 1 1/2 - 2 years of age, although some can live longer.  It does seem as if hamsters age quickly, since their lifespan is relatively short.  It could be the process of aging, or your hamster may have had a minor stroke, which might explain the apparent blindness and her not walking well.  (Only a veterinarian could properly diagnose her.)  Either way, just make sure she's comfortable, has plenty of Aspen or Carefresh bedding (Pine and Cedar bedding cause respiratory infections), and can reach her food and water easily.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
