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Mole on hamsters stomach

21 11:05:12

My hamster\'s belly
My hamster's belly  
Hi I've recently discovered a mole on my two year old hamster's belly and since then hes gotten two more. He's also losing hair around that area. Do you know what's wrong with him? Please let me know ASAP! Thank you.

Hi Ling

thanks for your question and photo.

Is this a dwarf hamster?  If so, this could be the scent gland that they have on their stomachs that has got blocked/infected.  However, the fact that there is more than one makes me wonder if this more likely to be a tumor.

Hamsters of this age are very prone to getting tumors, sometimes they are very deep and you aren't aware they are there until they show symptoms.  Other times they can be superficial.

If this is the scent gland, if you can get him examined by a vet they may be able to treat him. However, if these are tumors then there is little that can done.  with a hamster of this age it is unlikely a vet would be happy to operate because the risk of the anaesthetic.  

The important thing is that the area doesn't not infect - you could try wiping the area with a damp cloth soaked in salt water.  

Does your hamster seem bothered by them?  They look like scabs - have you seen your hamster chewing at this area? Apart from these how is he?  Is he eating/drinking normally?

If the area looks inflamed, is bleeding or there is sign of pus, or these lumps get bigger/more, then I would suggest getting someone to have a look at them just in case they can give antibiotics to prevent any infection.  However, if they are tumors then it is unlikely that they will be able to treat them.  The important thing is that your hamster isn't suffering at all.

I hope you get on OK.
