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Hammy acting weird

21 11:33:52

My hamster has been sleeping all day AND night.
It only wakes up to clean or eat.
Im quite worried about this. Sometimes it lies on the back to sleep, i thought it was sick.
But his eyes are clear, and the ears are up when he moves around.
However.. he always goes up to his wheel, walks abit and slumps down again, with limbs outstretched. And sometimes it doesn close its eyes when he lies down somewhere.
Whats wrong?

Hi Veronica,

your hamster sounds very normal to me.

Hamsters are most active at night time and he probably is most active when you are fast asleep!

He sounds as if he is very content too, because he lays down with limbs out stretched - this means he is not afraid of anything.

I wouldnt worry about him - he seems normal.

