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HORRIBLY sick hamster

21 12:00:27

Joanne,Two days ago, I saw my hamster laying in the middle of his cage(a wierd spot) in a funny position. I picked him up and his breathing was very fast. His heart was also beating really rapid making him shake all over. It has only gotten worse and today, it almost seems like his back is stiff , becasue he cannot stretch out at all. His legs are almost totally unmovable and i have to hand feed and water him. One eye is completely crusted shut and i tried all the tricks in the book to get it open. His enery level is so low his poop won't come all the way out of his bottom. He's only 4(is that old for hamsters?) and everyday i prepare for the worse. What is wrong with him?! and what should i do? Thanks-Alex  

hi alex

first of all a 4 year old hamster is an extremely old hamster. hamsters dont usually live much past 2 years so your hamster has been well looked after to survive this long!

it sounds like your hamster is on his last legs. he appears to have a cold, not to mention artharitis in his back and legs, brought on by his age and his cold. theres not really much you can do for him apart from make him as warm and comfortable as you can. keep handling him to a minimum (except to feed and water him) and let him pass away with you. which im sorry to say will probably be in the next few days.

im sorry to hear your hamster is very sick. but thank you for your question and please let me know what happens.

joanne xx

p.s. remember, plenty of bedding in his cage and put him in a warm, quiet place where you can keep an eye on him.