Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > treats for my hamster

treats for my hamster

21 11:36:06

hi,i have 2 robo hamsters and im wondering what kind of treats should i give them like fruits or veggies and if so what kinds would be best for them.Also when i put them in a ball to run around they just sit there,why?

Hi Michael,

Your Roborovskis will enjoy small amounts of fruit and veg but dont give them too much!

Most pet stores stock specially made hamster 'treats' such as fruit sticks, special hamster chocolate drops (never give them normal chocolate).  Have a look in your nearest pet store and see what your hams like.

As roborovskis are very small they may be a little scared in a big ball - try them in a specially made dwarf ball and see if they like that?  They might not like any ball at all - as long as they have a wheel in their cage then they should be ok.

