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pregnant hamster? HELP!!!

21 13:32:47

PLEASE HELP ME!!! I'm pretty sure that my hamster is pregnant.  She is looking REALLY large, but that might be the type of hamster she is.  I got her about two weeks ago at a pet shop, and the males were NOT seperated from the females.  I have givin her hamster food as well as carrots, nuts, and apples and shredded paper towels for a nest when the babies come in as well as normal bedding, but she hasn't done anything with the towels. She hasn't started to make a nest or anything.  I'm not even sure if she's pregnant! And if she IS pregnant, I don't beleive the cage is big enough for her AND her babies, even if they're really very small.  What should we do? HELP!!!

 if you've had her for 2 weeks shes gonna give birth very very soon, hamsters are only pregnant for 16 days!!
 if her belly feels tight underneath that is a sure sign of a pregnant hamster... my site has pictures too (, so you'll find out very soon if she is or not!!
 She'll give birth at night, in her bed where she normally sleeps, she might make a nest but it depends on the hamster, she'll use the bedding later if she doesn't use it now, she may even make a nest the night before.
well done for all the food types, right now its important she has protein, which is found in nuts and cheese (my hamster loves cheese) but in small amounts becuase cheese is fattening. She needs protein becuase otherwise she may eat the babies for protein. they've used up her bodies surplies.
  Baby hamsters are only about an inch long (2 and a half cm) when they are born, they'll be in the nest for thr first two weeks, if you think the cage is too small its only then you can move them to another cage, then at three weeks, they need to come away from mum, so they are in another cage. then at Four weeks, they can go male-female separate! which is another cage!! so in all you need 3 cages, one for mum and babies, then one for babies, and then for male and female babies, if that made any sense!! :-S
 cages are best bought secondhand,this way they are so much cheaper. i get mine from car boot sales/garage sales, or ask aruond your friends to see if they have any,(you'd be suprised how many people have had one hamster and then no more).
  umm, a few more things, don't touch the babies or nest til they are two weeks or crawling about the cage...its ok to take mum out to play after 5 days.(she'll be fed up) and from five days give extra food becuase babies start on solids (i use porridge oats first)
 i think thats all you need to know..
anymore help my site tells alot, or just ask another question!!
 hope this helps!
 suzi x