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my hamster has 2 broken bones

21 13:32:46


My hamster Pumpkin accidentally fell from a bunk bed (top bunk) recently while my younger brother was playing with him. Unfortunately he sustained 2 broken back legs. Now when he moves around, he uses his 2 front legs and just drags his back legs around. I just wanted to know if you had any advice for me to make Pumpkin feel as comfortable as possible so he can heal quickly. I understand that when hamsters have broken bones, they usually heal themselves (is this true?) by getting lots of rest and avoiding any physical activities. Also, I wanted your opinion on whether or not I should take him in to the vet, and if you know how much treatment would be? Thank you very much!

Hey, Jessica.
Yes, what you heard is true.  A hamster will heal the broken bones himself.  The vet wouldn't really be able to help much with this because hamsters are such small animals.  Therefore, I'd suggest not taking your hamster to the vet simply to avoid the unnecessary stress on Pumpkin.  Instead you should:
-remove his excercise wheel, any tubes, etc. You want to remove as many of the excercise options as possible to help your hamster heal faster.
-give him treats with lots of protein and calcium: small pieces of bread soaked in milk would be very beneficial for him right now.

Hamsters heal pretty quickly from broken bones, maybe 1 week or 2 at the most.  Also, they may have somewhat of a limp after they've healed.  This takes a little bit longer to get rid of, and sometimes it doesn't go away.  However, this limp doesn't interfere much with their normal routine or cause any suffering to them.

Hope this helps... and if you have any more questions or need any more info on anything, I'll be glad to help out.  Hope Pumpkin heals quickly and best wishes to both of you.