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Hamster is huge and may have ate too much

21 11:37:11

I have a Black Bear hamster named Bella and she has been simply adorable.  This last weekend we went away and so I fed her two days worth in one day thinking she would just pack the food away and be fine like always.  We came back and she is HUGE.  You can feel what seems to be food on her sides and she cant move very well.  Will time help or should we take her to the vet??


Hi David

It sounds to me as though she's just packed her cheek pouches????  These extend right down to their waist pretty much and it is surprising how much they can cram in.  Perhaps she knew you were away and felt unsettled, so she decided to pack up plenty of food/bedding just in case she needed it.  If this is the case, she should empty her pouches in her own time - the only danger of her not emptying them is if she has packed anything perishable - like fresh vegetables or hamster treats - such as the hamster chocolate or yoghurt drops - these have a habit of melting and can cause a blockage in the cheek pouch.

Do you think it could be this, rather than she's actually eaten the food?  It is unusual for them to eat that much and gain weight that quickly.  Sometimes hamsters get kidney problems and can swell up but this is often over time and they drink loads, and the swelling feels soft.  I would suggest you keep a close watch on her over the next day or two - if she is still as large, or if you can see/smell any pus, then she definitely needs to go to a vet so that they can check her out.  How is she behaving in herself - is she still eating/drinking/playing?  Is she still going to the toilet OK? If she just sits looking dull, isn't interested in eating or drinking, again you should get her to a vet.

Hope this helps you