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is this bad....?

21 13:28:33

Dear Jedediah,
   I have two syrians, Charlie and Gaven, and I notice that their droppings are sometimes a greenish color, but solid. I sometimes give them carrots or lettuce, but not too often. Should i worry? Does the veggies have anything to do with it?

Dear Shelby,
thank you for your question.

I don't think that you need to worry about this as long as the droppings are solid and the hamsters are otherwise in good shape.
Vegetables or fruits should be fed daily, they are an important part of the hamster's diet. If you have access to an untreated lawn, you can feed them daisies, dandelion and chickweed as well as twigs and leaves from fruit and hardwood trees (birch, beech, hazel, willow). Those are much more healthy than lettuce.

I hope I was of some help to you