Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > bedding and living! help please!!

bedding and living! help please!!

21 11:35:56

hi thank you for taking your time reading this. i have owned my ham for 2 days now and have read that pine bedding is not good for it and that it can kill the ham. how long does it take to do this? if i change its bedding tomorrow do yo think it will be okay and still live or will it have problems in the future...thank you so much!


hi jenny,

you've been hearing horror stories again haven't you? :)

yes certain types of bedding can be bad for your hamster, but its won't kill it straight away, hamsters can be tough when they need to be. What you should do though is go the pet store and ask for 'non scented, paper shredded bedding'. This stuff doesn't cause allergies for your hamster and if they eat some, it'll disolve and be easy for them to digest.

best of luck with this and thank you for your question.

Joanne x