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my hamster runny eyes

21 13:26:22

i have a female hamster which is kind of teddy bear breed. overrall she is healthy because she eats good and active. but today i notice that she has a runny eyes on her left side and i don't know what to do? she also sometimes make this squicky sounds. please help me...thanks


Your hamster may have something in her eye.  Soak a piece of cotton wool in lukewarm water and gently wipe her eye with it.  

If you've done that, and your hamster's eye is still runny, she may have an eye infection.  (From This can be treated by mixing half a cup of sterile (boiled and cooled) water with a teaspoon of boric acid powder (available from a chemist or pharmacy) and using an eye dropper to bathe the eye twice or three times a day. If the hamster does not show improvement within a couple of days veterinary advice should be sought as antibiotics may help.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
