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My Cosmo

21 11:32:04

Thank you so much for doing this. My dwarf hamster Cosmo hasn't seemed to be drinking water a lot. Is this normal? Everything else he is doing I think is alright. Again I can't thank you enough.
P.S. I heard there are more than one kind of dwarf hamsters, mine is small, with a gray back and white belly and his ears are small and pinkish gray. Thanks!

Hello Charlotte,
is your hamster eating normally and acting well like a hamster :)? Dwarf hamsters typically drink so little water that you can hardly tell if they are drinking at all. I know I wanted to see how much my hamster was drinking so I kept his water bottle in for three days and I did see a decrease of water in the bottle but it wasn't much. They don't drink a lot like you would think.
Also, yes there are 4 different dwarf hamster species.
Russian, Winter White, Chinese and Roborovski.

More than likely you either have a winter white or a russian dwarf hamster. I'm going to give you a site with some more information on how to tell the difference between a winter white or russian, you really gotta take a good look at them to figure it out. :)