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Hamster light

21 11:10:57

Don't hamster need light to create vitamin D?

Hi Wilson

In theory you do need sunlight - however in hamsters' natural habitat they see very little sunlight as they sleep all day in the heat and only venture out at night after dark when it is cold.

In captivity they are OK because whilst they don't get direct sunlight (it would be too hot for them so it is advisable never to put a hamster cage near a window or outside as they can over-heat), they do get some natural light.  

If you are concerned that your hamster is deficient in Vitamin D, you can supplement its food with a multi vitamin that is available for small pets - you usually put it in the water bottle.  Also, dandelion leaves contain vitamin D, but don't give too many as they are a diuretic but once in a while is fine (wash them well before giving them in case any other animal has been near them).

I hope this helps you.
