Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Water for my Hammie!

Water for my Hammie!

21 11:22:12

Hi, my hamster Pocky doesn't seem to be drinking ANY water. Should I be worried, or should I see avet, or maybe you can help.

Hi Emily,

so sorry about the long delay in answering your question!

I am quite sure that your hamster is drinking water.  He would not survive very long if he is not drinking any water.

Hamsters are mostly active in the night time - when you are asleep, so that is probably when he is drinking - so that is probably why you cant see him drinking.

If you are still worried then you can draw a line on his water bottle at the level of the water and you should see the water going down gradually.

You can even put a small piece of fruit or veg in the cage for him, such as a slice of carrot or cucumber to make sure he is getting some form of moisture - if he eats it then he will definately be getting water.

Kind Regards,
