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lighting for hamsters

21 13:32:18

My stepdaughter has a hamster in a cage in her closet & leaves the lights on day & night for it. I have told her that I believe hamsters(being rodent like) are to a great extent  nocturnal & as such probably have excellent night  vision whereby a light at night  is not necessary. Is this true or not? Thank you. Greg McLachlan

Hey, Greg.
Yes, you are correct.  Hamsters are for the most part nocturnal, so the light at night is not at all necessary.  Also, remember that hamsters don't rely much on their vision in the first place (they can only see about 6 inches in front of them).  Therefore, they rely on their hearing and smell much more.  Hope that helps you out and if you have any more questions about anything, feel free to ask.  Best wishes to all of you.