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Hamsters in a cage

21 13:25:17

  Hello ,

Heather  when my hamster has her babies am i allowed to keep them in the same cage with their mother or should I get seperat cages for all of the hamsters that my girl hamster has?

Well im guessing they are syrian hamsters.

You need to keep them with their mom, and separate them by 12 weeks, or earlier if you notice fighting. Females can be just as territorial. Make sure not to disturb the mother as she may eat her babies. Keep her away from noise or anything that might make her feel threatened.

Once they are around 12 weeks see if they fight, if they do you will need to get separate cages for each one. If not they might be able to stay in the same cage on their own, but the mom will need to be alone. Your going to need to separate them all eventually, its just a matter of when.