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My Hamster is Shaking. Im Afraid He Is Sick

21 11:54:37

I checked on my hamster and he was shaking. He has not been running in his wheel very much, he hasn't been eating very much, nor has he been drinking much. Also, his ears are always down on his head. Occasionally he stops shaking, but he still doesn't eat or exercise much. This has been going on for about three days or so, and i am very afraid. He is a dwarf hamster.

He may of course be cold, so make sure he has plenty bedding. He could also be afraid, so make sure he is in a quiet spot with no disturbances. Dwarf hamsters quiver a lot, often it is normal. If you have provided him with plenty bedding and he is in a quiet spot, but he is still doing it, I recommend seeing a vet. It may not be much to worry about, but it has the potential to be something far worse. Better safe than sorry.
I hope he gets better,