Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > bedding?


21 11:57:00

Hi I just bought a gerbil! ( its name is herbil)
And i wanted to know if i could use SAND as beding?  You Know the kind u can buy for under your pool? if not what kind of sand? and if you can answer this how long after i bought Herbil should i wait to mess w/ her ? Thanks! : )

Hi Dana,

  Yes you can use sand (low dust sand you can get at a pet store) as bedding but, it won't hold heat well or liquid (like urine). You need to give your gerbil more than enough nesting material, when you use sand as a bedding material for in your gerbils' cage. You could put the sand on one end of the cage and then the regular bedding at the other end. I have also read that you can mix the sand with hay or twigs to reduce the danger of collapsing tunnels.
 As for the handling, give herbil a few days to adjust to her new home and when you are around her cage, move slowly and speak softly.
 After the few days you can start to interact with herbil. Start by just sitting next to the cage so she can get used to your presence. Offer her a treat, like a pumpkin seed or a sunflower seed. Once she starts taking the treat from you, then try laying your hand in the cage with the treat on it.  When your gerbils are comfortable climbing on your hand, try gently scratching the sides and back of their heads (imitating natural grooming behavior of gerbils).
Avoid chasing or grabbing the gerbils to get them back into their cage if they have been out. Try to entice the gerbils back with favorite treats, or try to gently herd them back to the cage.
Handle your gerbils regularly to keep them well socialized. Gerbils are active and curious and will appreciate daily time outside the cage.
 I hope this helps!

Thank you for writing and best of luck!