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gerbil fights

21 13:31:08

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Question -
my gerbils hve been together for their whole life. when i first got them [12/25/03] they were fine. a couple months ago. tony [my gerbil] is beating up and bitting cupcake [my gerbil] were fighting. i got a new cage for cupcake and they are both fine now. i was just wondering why they were fighting and if they can be put back together

thank you
Answer -
before i answer this question, i need to know what sex they are. Look at you gerbils near the base of the tail\. if their are 2 large "bumps" then it is a male. If not, it is a female. Let me know what sex they are so i can answer the question better. Thanks!


They are both females

Well normally two females should get along. However. i have had a mother and a daughter who fought all the time and had to be seperated. I would keep them in different cages. Otherwise, they may end up seriously injuring or killin eachother. Good luck with them!
