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mice(dormouse or fieldmouse)help!!!

21 12:01:15

please help us! my son found a newborn dormouse or fieldmouse near our house we have struggled for two days to help him survive or even find any advice on the net!until now...
please advise on how we can help the little thing survive.he seems ok so far but needs its mother but we are all he has.wehe as been taking a tiny amount of milk from my little girls finger but thats about it we have made a warm little nest but don't know what more we can do! my daughter has grown very fond of the poor little thing so hopefully we can help him survive ...please help!!!

hello, you will need to feed the baby mouse special milk from a petstore. The milk from the petstore is more concentrated and he can get better nutrients from it. KMR milk is kitten formula milk that's really concentrated. You may even be able to find a tiny nipple with which to feed him with. Also you will have to stimulate his bottom to go to the bathroom. You need to rub his bottom with a tissue and that will help him to start going to the bathroom. That's why the mom always licks their bottom it's to stimulate them to go to the bathroom. You can always use a wet tissue as well. You will have to be it's mother for about a month. When you've had the mouse for 26 days you can start putting mouse food in the cage and let him nibble on it so you can wean him off the milk. Also since the mouse won't be getting the same nutrition as it's mother, I highly recommend that you use vitamin drops for your mouse as that will really help him out in the long run. Also mice are like any other rodent, they require a nice sized cage with aspen, carefresh, soft-sorbent bedding and right now I would stick to using the warm blanket that he's in. Also it would benefit if you put a light over the blanket to keep him warm too. :-) They will also needs treats and toys to keep their teeth down as well. Mice also have a musky odor, especially if they are a male and putting bi-odor for small animals in their water really helps cut down on the smell. Most of the stuff that i'm telling you, you won't need to worry about now. All you need to worry about is keeping your mouse warm with a cozy blanket or you buy one of those cozy corners for birds, buying the KMR kitten formula and whiping his bottom with a wet tissue to keep him using the bathroom. Good luck and keep me posted.