Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > how can you tell if dwarf hamsters are mating?

how can you tell if dwarf hamsters are mating?

21 11:43:40

hi i just wanted to ask if they are mating right i have had a male dwarf hamster for about 1 week and 2 days and had a female dwarf hamster for about 4 days when i put them in a ball they get stuck and my male hamster going on top of girl dwarf hamster but i think he is doing it wrong he is mating on the girl dwarf hamsters side so i am really asking how old are they supposed to mate and are they doing it right? please answer my question i don't get it

Hi Blake,

Well, although you've had them for 4 days, do you know what their actual birth day is? They usually cannot mate until they are at least 5 weeks old. Hamsters live on instinct and so they would know how to mate automatically. They may be playing  and/or "humping" each other. I would wait and see what happens. What they are doing now is fine, if they want to mate they will. I wouldn't worry. I hope everything works out for you. GOOD LUCK!
