Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my gerbil has a swollen toe

my gerbil has a swollen toe

21 11:57:07


My gerbil has had a small white bump at the tip of one of the toes on his front right foot for a while now, right before the nail. A couple of days ago I noticed the nail on that toe was missing and now his whole toe is red and seems swollen on the bottom - and it's getting bigger. The white bump is still the same size on the top of his toe though. He is still very active and doesn't seem to favor that foot.

What can it be? Will it go away or spread? Any help would be appreciated, I don't want my gerbil to be in pain!

Thank you!

Hi Sarah,

It sounds as though it maybe an injury which has become infected. He will most likely need antibiotics to clear this up which will be available on prescription from your vets! There isn't much you can do for an infection on your own, so the vets is the best bet!

I hope this helps, and i really hope he gets better!
Thank you,