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why hamsters bit

21 13:27:03

i like to know how u can stop ur hamster from biting u and how to get it to know u more please help
do hamster teeth when there babys

Hi Kiela,

First, be very gentle with your hamster when you're handling him.  Don't surprise him.  When you go to pick him up out of his cage, make sure he sees you first.  Also, don't pick him up when he's asleep.

To stop the biting, try wearing thick gloves when you handle your hamster.  When you're comfortable with the fact that he won't bite you, then you can handle him without the gloves.  Or, you can buy a product at pet stores called Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel).  Spray the bitter lime on your hands before you handle your hamster.  If he bites you, he'll taste the lime, and he won't want to bite you anymore.  Do this a few times, then try handling your hamster without using the bitter lime.  

If you want to get your hamster comfortable with you, handle him gently a few times a day.  Don't wake him up when he's sleeping; you'll have to wait until he wakes up to handle him.  Also, be patient - it will take a little while for your hamster to become comfortable with you.  

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
