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hamster toys and harness

21 13:33:25

I have a syberian dwarf hamster and I was wondering if you might be able to tell me what types of toys he might like. Also I was wondering if you could describe the hamster harness ond how it works, and where i could purchase one.


Hamsters, regardless of type, all love the same types of toys. Dwarfs will definatly enjoy a wheel to run on,different shaped tubes to run though, and anything with holes in it to explore. If you go down the rodent isle of any pet store, your sure to see many hamster toys. Little houses, full of enterances and places to crawl are always favorites. I have yet to see any hamster harnesses in pet stores, which is why I make my own. They have harnesses for rabbits, rats, guinie pigs, and other large rodents, but none for hamsters. My harnesses are designed after syrian hamsters, which are larger then dwarfs, so my design would probably not suit your hamster. Please feel free to ask anything else. Good luck!