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My Hamster Faith

21 11:34:01

My hamster is a golden syrian hamster and she gave birth to 8 babies i held them when they were first born and they did NOT get eaten. I was wondering why? Oh and i have to find out if their a Girl Or a boy LIKE SOON! And i dont get what you mean By HOLES??? ex: (..) What do you mean by "Holes"

Hi Brittany,

i am very glad that your hamster did not kill the babies, or eat them, or abandon them.

You were very lucky!!

It is best not to touch them for the first two weeks because if she does decide to do anything strange then it would be too late to turn back!

It does all depend on the individual hamster, and many breeders can risk picking up the babies when they are just a few days old the mother knows them very well and they do not get scared by the owners smell.

Its up to you though and if you think there is no risk in picking them up before they are two weeks old then thats your choice.

I would have thought that ' holes ' would have been self explanatory?!!

but if you need me to explain it then please email me with your email address and i will explain it to you.

Kind Regards,
