Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > What If...

What If...

21 13:25:35


What if the nails on my hamsters fingers are long, i mean is it
that necessary to cut them!?!?
like, what happens if you dont cut them, but when its too long
you really have to cut them, i just wanna know what happens
when you dont cut them, are they uncomfortable?

Hi Susie,

Too-long nails are uncomfortable for the hamster, so it is necessary to trim the nails.  Take your hamster to the vet for a trimming.  (It's inexpensive.)

Or, if you can't take your hamster to a vet, get someone to help you cut them yourself.  Have them hold the hamster and clip only the tips of the hamster's nails with a very small pair of clippers.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
