Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > How do I get my hamster to get out the of the cage in my hands?

How do I get my hamster to get out the of the cage in my hands?

21 11:55:58

Hi Kathryn,
          Well to give you more info I have a Syrian Hamster named Teddy that I have had for awhile approx. 4 months. He doesn't mind me petting him but whenever I put my hand in the cage waiting for him to go on it he just sniffs it and walks away. Im scared that if I scoop him up he'll start biting me. When I went to the vet and they had to scoop him out he went crazy, he tried to bite them (but they knew how to hold him properly so that he couldn't get reach of there fingers). Any info would help.

Hi and thanks for asking.
I'll give you a few tips, as not all of them work right away:
Put some fresh veg on your hand, and see if he will eat from it, or even step on your hand. It will take time but eventually he will step onto your hand of his own accord.
While he is eating from your hand, gently speak to him and stroke him with the other hand. Do this for a few days.
Curl your fingers very slowly and gently around his body. Keep doing this until he is calm with it.
Eventually you can lift him just a couple of inches off the ground, keeping your other hand over his back, without any struggling. Over a couple of weeks you can get higher and higher off the ground, until he is completely out the cage.
Good luck,

P.S. The one thing I don't recommend you to use is gloves; the hamster will not get used to your scent if you wear them, and may bite when you take them off.